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Agent Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Agent installations, functionality or performance issues.


Confirming Installation

To quickly determine if the endpoint agent is presence on a system, search for "TD" in the start menu.

TD Services on Windows


Older agent versions may only have a presence in:

  1. Settings App: ![Older TD Agent in Windows Metro Settings](/(endpointagent/uninstall.png)
  2. Control Panel: ![Older TD Agent in Windows Control Panel](/(endpointagent/control_panel.png)

All products can be identified on any Windows system via the command:

wmic product get Name,Version,IdentifyingNumber

Windows System Processes

To confirm normal operation, check the five TD services are in a running state.

  • TD Agent Management
  • TD TLS Handler
  • TD Velo
  • TD Visibility Service
  • TD Watchdog

These five services should always be running and start automatically without any user input or interaction required.

This can be determined via the Windows “Services” management console:

![TD Services on Windows](/(endpointagent/services.png)

Windows Agent Logs


A file called tdagent.log can be found in the directory %SYSTEMDRIVE%/ProgramData/TDAgent/. Please reference the contents of this file for troubleshooting, or provide it to us for support.